how to get there

Feeling a bit lost on how to get to this wonderful destination? Let us help you out with some useful travel information that will help you get your directions right. Getting to Kandy is quite easy, here’s everything you need to know about the route to Kandy.

distances and timings

If you’re wondering how to get to Kandy it’s pretty straightforward if you’re taking the Colombo-Kandy road or train, but as the central city, Kandy can also be accessed all around by car through the A9 from the north and Nuwara Eliya from the east.
The distance from Colombo to Hunas Falls is 139 km which is about 4 hours and 37 minutes. The distance from the Airport is closer at 133 km which is about 3 hours 55 minutes. For those travelling by train and already in Kandy, travel time to Hunas Falls is approximately an hour on the Elkaduwa Road.
Hunas Falls is also one of the only hill country hotels in Sri Lanka to have its own helipad, so you could fly up to the hill capital for an unconventional experience.

best ways to travel to kandy

  • Train
  • Helicopter
  • By car / by bus
  • Seaplane
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